Tag Archives: martini

Crazy Cocktails

A recent question on AskMetaFilter reminded me of a couple ideas for martinis I’ve had. I haven’t worked out the specific measurements, as I lack the time or materials, but maybe it’d be a good project for this summer.

The clamtini. Pretty simple, really. Vodka and clam juice (Snow’s comes to mind), perhaps garnished with a littleneck clam.

The pickletini. I’m sure you can guess what it entails: Vodka and “pickle juice.” It would, of course, be garnished with a kosher baby dill pickle. I fucking love pickle juice. I drink the stuff out of the jar. While the clamtini would be something of a jokey experimental adventure/potential vomit fodder, I imagine the pickletini would be something that I’d actually enjoy. And maybe also potential vomit fodder.